10 Types of Graphic Design That You Should Know About
The design is everywhere around us, be it natural or man-made. Though no one can surpass nature when it comes to pleasing visual beauty, we humans have been doing our best.
From the time you wake up to the time you go back to sleep, you see thousands of graphics around you. From your milk carton to your commute signage, the graphic designers of the world have got you covered!
10 Different Types of Graphic Design
To categorize the different types of graphic design you see in your daily life, we are going to break them down into 10 broad categories.
1. Production Design
Have you noticed that coming out of a Coldplay concert, makes you feel “extra” special? While 80% of it is good music (and we are not denying that), 20% of the feel-good factor is the stage design which resonates with every fan and helps them get the exact experience they were expecting out of the concert – The adventure of a lifetime! Production design involves the visual elements used in stages, sets, films, concerts, etc.
2. Advertising
Are you guilty of buying a product because its ad made you? Like the iPhone X coming right out of your Facebook Newsfeed showing just how magnificent it is, how you need it in your life, and how your life would be sad if you just didn’t go and buy it, as soon as it is launched? So much so that you put a reminder of the launch date, and start saving your money that very moment? Well, that’s advertising done right, with the right graphics (and communication, let’s not forget our copywriting warriors here).
3. Product/Package Design
Have you ever kept safely the box of your newly bought phone or earphones because it looked nice? Blame it on the hardworking graphic designer, who burnt the midnight oil designing the images, and stickers, and used the right colors, cuts, and texture.
4. Environmental Design
The helpful signs that keep you safe and sometimes alive during your commute are what Environmental designs are. From ‘mind, the gap’ to ‘sharp curve ahead’, the visual elements used in architecture and transportation constitute Environment Designs.
5. Video Game Art
There is a reason GTA has more fans than Battlefield, and that reason is… graphics (and the plot, but c’mon let’s be honest, it’s the graphics). This category needs no elaboration, just a GIANT salute to our video game graphic designers.
6. Publishing
The most competitive type of graphic design is publishing. Covers and layouts of books and magazines can make or break their sales graph, because let’s face it, we all judge a book by its cover.
7. Web Design
This website, and this blog, and other websites, and the social media channel you are using.
8. Interfaces
9gag, Instagram…every design beyond the web, like a mobile app, machines, etc.
9. Corporate Designs
The Starbucks logo on your coffee mug, the yellow M on your bag of fries, and the less-than-half-eaten apple at the back of your phone are all corporate designs that very subtly make a place in your daily life.
Visual identity of organizations and brands such as logos, fonts, colors, etc. are what Corporate Designs are.
10. Signage
Visualize Times Square, what is that one thing that strikes you first? The larger-than-life billboards! And that’s it, you have answered this for yourself, commercial and public signage like Billboards, murals, street signs, etc. come under the ‘Signage’ category of graphic design.
That’s one article, see you next time!
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WeBeeSocial is a full-service creative digital marketing company in India. Our In-house Social Media team can help you identify the correct social audience, optimize your social media channels, and design the best ads & social media campaigns. Feel free to connect with us to inquire more about our services here.